Save Salt Island
A Natural Treasure
Preserving A Coastal Gem
Salt Island is, and has been, privately owned throughout its long history. During that time, it has remained free of permanent development and has been unrestricted to visitors wishing to visit during low tide to explore its wilds and view its scenic vistas. A combination of intergenerational ownership and local social bonds have historically allowed for a symbiotic relationship to exist between private ownership and public enjoyment of the island. As an integral feature of the Good Harbor Beach topography and ecosystem, it is the concern of many Gloucester residents and visitors from throughout the region and beyond that Salt Island remain in an undeveloped and natural state. Taken the increased frequency with which real estate changes hand in the current era, Save Salt Island (SSI) seeks to ensure that the spectrum of significant values embodied in Salt Island - scenic, ecological, historical, economic, and recreational - continue to be held for generations to come. With continuing effort, SSI works to raise awareness of Salt Island’s uniqueness, beauty, and ecological significance, confident that all interested parties can come together in a spirit of shared stewardship and cooperation.

What We Can Do



